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At age five, 1954, "the Bishop" (Card. Stritch) stood over me and said, "Stop babbling about what Father Horne did to you." It took me 40 years to talk about it again. Now, I babble. - ke
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Friday, April 11, 2008

Benedict XVI central to priest sex crime epidemic, at least since 1962, reveals research published today by scholar Jay Nelson

By Kay Ebeling

Jay Nelson writes: "With Pope Benedict XVI days away from arrival in this country, now is an auspicious time to announce that I have discovered some of the secret history behind the scandals. And that Joseph Ratzinger is central to it. No, this is not a joke nor hyperbole but the fruit of deep, serious, historical research, and undoubtedly these are the most important pieces I've ever written."

Jay Nelson reports: "Carefully coded language (in 1962)reveals that 1) priests will no longer be punished for sexual transgressions but treated 'with fraternal charity and magnanimity' and 2) celibacy is not necessary for the priesthood but would still be demanded of Latin-rite priests.

"This sets the stage for the great clergy exodus."

Here are excerpts from Jay’s work, which can be read in full at renegadecatholic dot com, linked above the headline here at City of Angels Blog.

Around 1565: the confessional booth is invented in Milan by St. Charles Borromeo, as a screen between two chairs. The idea is to prevent sexual contact between priests and penitents. Within half a century, the Vatican would order them installed in every church in the world.

1836 – "Maria Monk," an alleged escapee from a Canadian convent, is the first to break silence about sexual and other abuse in nunneries. She is nearly universally reviled and disbelieved

1947 – The Servants of the Paraclete, a religious order dedicated to helping fallen priests, is established with headquarters in Jemez Springs, New Mexico by Fr. Gerald Fitzgerald.

1954 – An American ex-Franciscan, Emmett McGloughlin, in his autobiography first reveals the existence of the Jemez Springs establishment as one "ecclesiastic prison" among others where priests are sent without trial for sexual offenses, alcoholism, and insubordination.

On March 16, 1962, Cardinal Alberto Ottaviani, the head of the Holy Office, presents Pope John XXIII with Crimen sollicitationis, in English, Instruction on the Manner of Proceeding in Cases of Solicitation (pdf).

This is a highly secret document containing instructions for bishops on how to proceed trying cases of sexual abuse and homosexuality among clerics.

Jay Nelson's published research continues:

Heated discussions over celibacy and the clergy also consume the Council. Finally in the Decree on the Life and Ministry of Priests, carefully coded language reveals that

1) Priests will no longer be punished for sexual transgressions but treated with "with fraternal charity and magnanimity" and

2) Celibacy is not necessary for the priesthood but would still be demanded of Latin-rite priests. This sets the stage for the great clergy exodus.

Jay Nelson's research continued:

On December 7, 1965 the very last day of the Council, the reform of the Holy Office is announced. It will henceforth be called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF). Some secrecy will be ended, priests would be given certain rights of appeal and representation, and the Index of Forbidden Books will be discontinued.

Ominously, the CDF is given the power of questioning faith and morals anywhere in the entire Church. Only the Pope retains more power.
Nelson's research can be read in full at renegade catholic dot com

Jay Nelson is a victim and scholar of sex crimes in the Catholic Church living in New Mexico.

*I still can't figure out how to put links inside with the blog copy. . .

Onward. . .


Anonymous said...

Along with a copy of this mentioned 1962 document, at:
/abusetracker, you can each read for yourselves, for FREE, the Philadephia Criminal Grand Jury Report.

Of course, for those seeking to go deeper into the lower levels of the CDF and Institutional Roman Catholic Church Curial INFERNO (Gulag), read the NCCB comissioned JJ Criminal Justice Report, which heavily under reports only about 14,000 credible rapes, sodomies, oral copulations, kidnappings, physical maimings, deliquencies, abductions, mental tortures, extorsions, perjuries, racketeering, aid and abetting of felons, fraud, tax evasions, emmbezzlements, suicisings, murders, hits, and a host of other felonies, etc., of CHILDREN, by over 4,400 ordained of 44,000 total ordained and religious (or about 9.00%), in the USA.

Claudio Hummes of Brazil's claim that perpetrators are less tha 1.00% of the Church ordained in the ongoing child sexual assault crisis, and criminal curia cover-up, is a FLAT OUT LIE, and he knows it, but then again, Hummes os in a long line of current red hat pedophile enablers.

All this criminality is clearly condoned and enabled, over mutiple decades, by less than 335 US bishops and miters, costing laity, to date, at least $2.8 BILLION Dollars, with no real correction, and child endangerment still widely pervasive, just in the USA.

In California, under the watch of Roger 'Mahal' 'Teflon' 'Hollywood'
Mahony, well over 1,200 California CHILDREN have been proven assaulted (Fresno, Stockton, LA alone), costing the California laity at least $1 Billion Dollars in only in the last 30 years; again, with no real correction.

Mahony is still enabling many pedophiles in active ministries in LA, or has hushed monied, pensioned, annuitied and fereted outside the USA (all at laity expense), to stop these felons from testifying against Mahony (Arch Felon), personally.

Mahony remains as damning to the western Roman Catholic Church, with a much higher child body count than Bernard Law in Boston, than any cardinal office holder since despotic Richelieu was in France.

So the solution, Pope Ratzy- Benedict XVI th, or not, remains for the laity to stop donating all monies for any reason, until it forces the removal, canonical censor, and life time house arrest (at a minimum, as was done to proven and known serial pedophile founder of the Mexican Cult religious order The Legion Of Christ, Marciel), or alternatively, evil men like Mahony, must be irrevocably EXCOMMUNICATED!

North Hollywood Insider
(aka "NoHo")

Anonymous said...

"Crisco parties" are an example of a popular but somewhat hidden activity at some American seminaries. Most paying Catholics have no idea about what goes on in seminary, how and why certain individuals are recruited, groomed, and placed.

Anonymous said...

Suddenly 'closed' St. John's Seminary, by Rog Mahony, in Camarillo, CA, had lots of GAY ORGIES, aka "CRISCO PARTIES", at which Robert Brom, current Bishop Of San Diego, swore under deposition, he and Rog Mahony "attended".

As a direct result, is it any wonder, that at least 1,200 raped and sodomized children, in California, would be allowed, and condoned, under Rog's watches in Fresno, Stockton, or LA, because Rog, and many other current RC miters, were blackmailed by the pedophiles, for their own curial sexual proclivities, excesses, and many felonies.

Roger The Dodger Old Flame

Anonymous said...

Can you spare a nickel for the poor box, brother, to help our needy seminarians, priests and bishops?

Rayosun said...

And here are the links that WORK:


CALL: Target Crimes, LA DA's Office, to report sex crimes in the Catholic Church: Phone: (213) 974-5985

City of Angels Lady