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At age five, 1954, "the Bishop" (Card. Stritch) stood over me and said, "Stop babbling about what Father Horne did to you." It took me 40 years to talk about it again. Now, I babble. - ke
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in 2009 our ongoing coverage of the pedophile epidemic in the Catholic Church will be at City fAngels5. in 2010 at CityofAngels8

Monday, March 24, 2008

Predator Priest crime victims HAVE TO read between the lines, and often those lines are redacted. It takes a kind of fiction to tell the true story

By Kay Ebeling
Okay I admit the headline on last Thursday’s post was too tabloid. In the 1950 letter you have to read between the lines to know the Salesian President in Rome talked with the American consul about pedophile priest Titian Miani coming to America. However, sometimes reading between the lines is all a pedophile priest crime victim can do. Plaintiffs from the LA settlement last July tell me they've yet to see any personnel files on their perpetrators, although release of documents was part of the settlements with the LA Archdiocese. What documents do come out have maybe three words at the beginning of a paragraph then marker lines and lines through whole paragraphs at a time, almost everything is redacted. What can victims of Sex Crimes in the Catholic Church do but read between the lines and create a kind of fiction based truth, spiced with gut and instinct?

Roger Mahony stated last January “Everyone agreed we had to get this scandal behind us,” and I said, huh? I didn't agree to that. The scandal has yet to happen. But listening to the Cardinal you understand why the documents he did release are full of Sharpie lines, as each page probably holds clues to further Sex Crimes in the Catholic Church. I'm amazed plaintiffs in LA believed anything the Archdiocese told them while settling. Did Mahony have a record of cooperating with the courts before last July?

The 1950 letter is an exhibit in plaintiffs’ motion for discovery on the total Salesians, not just the Western Province, for the trial coming up in April. The letter says: “Rev. Brother Miani is coming to this country solely and entirely to continue his studies in view of ordination to the Salesians Priesthood, and for no other purpose whatsoever.” Complaints about Miani and a child at a camping trip in Italy in 1947 were thrown out as evidence last year (See September 19, 2007 post at City of Angels 3).

The 1950 letter posted here Thursday reveals between the lines that the Salesians in Rome dumped a pedophile on the United States.

From 1957 to 1967 Fr. Titian Miani was assistant principal at St. John Bosco high school in Bellflower resulting in four lawsuits out of the 550 in the LA settlement, God knows how many more kids he got to who have yet to come forward. Some of his victims are pursuing final justice with Miani and the Salesians in the jury trial coming April 14th and City of Angels Blog will be there to cover the proceedings.

You DO have to read between the lines

This is unnerving

Go to BishopAccountability Dot Org for background information on a priest and the only articles you will find are blog posts by me in the last year. Where are the mainstream journalists? When reporters do write a story, they all say the same thing in a spurt of articles based on a press conference. Mainstream media NEVER ask the deeper questions.

LA journalists dropped the ball on the story. Coverage stopped just as the civil cases began to produce documents for the trials that were scheduled last year. There were articles all over the LA Times and LA Weekly, and national news wires in 2002-2003 when the LA lawsuits were filed. By the time pretrial hearings began all those reporters had moved on to new locations, the main investigative reporter from the LA Times is writing about one way street conversions.

So I AM THE ONLY ONE who is actually covering the thousands of crimes in the Catholic Church in LA alone, and I have barely started. I want to go dig around in New Mexico around the Paracles land.

Please click my PayPal button to help me get the resources I need to continue this blog. I need a travel budget, to go to Chicago and research my own story from the 1950s. I’m convinced there are other victims from Chicago of Father Thomas Barry Horne and I need to go to Bartlett. I believe if I track down other children whose mothers were in the Ladies’ Sodality at St. Peter Damian Parish, I'll find other victims. The PayPal button is in the top left column under Send Me To Chicago.

If everyone who reads the blog sent five dollars to my PayPal I’d have the cash I need to go to Chicago in July.

Here in LA I know from conversations I’ve had with survivors that much more happened than what plaintiff attneys wrote in civil lawsuit documents.

The real crimes were stultified -- left unmentioned

You have to read between the lines

With legal documents filed in civil lawsuits all over the United States, you have to read between the lines as well. The real story is between the lines, especially with documents filed in the courts.

September 2006 I was finding my voice at the SNAP message board and wrote this under the topic Dear Pope, Read This:

Dear Pope Benedict,

In the United States your church is a haven for pedophiles and perverts who operate under the guise of being priests. As a result thousands of children going to Catholic churches have lived damaged lives, our view of the sex act permanently destroyed, from being forced to have sex at a young age with these sick criminal priests.

YOU Are the head of the church. You may criticize American culture, our soft porn on daily TV. The Catholic church has to take responsibility. The depravity in Catholic leadership has reverberent effects all over our culture.

DO something about it. Survivors of rape by priests need specialized therapy and treatment. We need our own recovery centers. We should have financial restitution throughout the church, not just to the few who have a legal case that can stand up against the powers of Catholic attorneys.

DO YOU KNOW the archdioceses are spending millions on attorneys to fight us, the survivors who survived long enough to file claims against the church? Where did they get the money to hire all these attorneys and fight their own parishioners?

How corrupt can you get?

The Catholic church in America spends millions to hide and pamper pedophile priests and then goes to great lengths to fight the sheep who were destroyed by the shepherd. What does that tell the world about Catholics?

Kay Ebeling
Los Angeles

If you go to snapnetwork dot org, under Online Support you can link to the Discussion Board. A few of us still troll there looking for other survivors who want to interact online. I posted daily on the message board for one whole year and my January 2006 posts show I'm scared and timid. By January 2007 I burst out of the message boards onto this blog. But I still go there and wish more people would be active at the Snap Message Board. It’s a vast unused resource.

Document Diving on Dry Ground
For Salesians Jury Trial Research

The Salesians pretrial documents are not available in a public viewing area, as were the civil cases last year at LA Superior Court. In order to view them, a journalist has to make an appointment with Judge Emilie Elias’ court clerk to view the motions for the cases on a computer screen in the judge’s offices.

In order to document dive for the Salesian jury trial, City of Angels Lady has to brave the city’s rapids and transfers on heavy trafficked streets, then track down a Court Clerk who is also a floater. . .

What Are They Hiding?
From Cardinal Roger Mahony’s January 2008 statement:

“Everyone agreed we had to get this scandal behind us for the good of the church and of our archdiocese."

Huh? He didn't ask me.

Onward. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The readers of this blog are from all over the world. Buried in the secret Vatican vaults is a copy of the Maccari dossier, which reveals the disgusting truth about Padre Pio, now a declared Saint. Was Padre Pio a pedophile priest? Evidence indicates he was a fake stigmatist and was involved in perverted acts. The founder of Rome’s Catholic university hospital concluded that the priest was “an ignorant and self-mutilating psychopath who exploited people’s credulity.” In 1923, Padre Pio was forbidden to teach teenage boys in the school attached to the monastery because he was considered “a noxious Socrates, capable of perverting the fragile lives and souls of boys.” On July 29, 1960, an Italian monsignore, Carlo Maccari, later to become the archbishop of Ancona, began yet another investigation on behalf of Pope John XXIII and the Holy Office. The 200-page report he compiled, though never published in full, is said to be devastatingly critical. Vatican gossip long had it that the “Maccari dossier” was an insuperable obstacle to Padre Pio’s sainthood. The report included information that Pio was involved sexually with female devotees. (The Latin is preserved: bis in hebdomada copulabat cum muliere).Who can get a copy of this dossier and make public its content so we can take back Our Church?

CALL: Target Crimes, LA DA's Office, to report sex crimes in the Catholic Church: Phone: (213) 974-5985

City of Angels Lady