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At age five, 1954, "the Bishop" (Card. Stritch) stood over me and said, "Stop babbling about what Father Horne did to you." It took me 40 years to talk about it again. Now, I babble. - ke
**********The City of Angels is Everywhere*********
in 2009 our ongoing coverage of the pedophile epidemic in the Catholic Church will be at City fAngels5. in 2010 at CityofAngels8

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Are these people on Long Island behaving scandalously?

Story to come

Signs like these below are too shocking for parishioners? I say where was their shock at priests raping children?

Actually, I take issue with the above sign, as nothing can murder my soul.

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CALL: Target Crimes, LA DA's Office, to report sex crimes in the Catholic Church: Phone: (213) 974-5985

City of Angels Lady